Newspaperss Demos

Just another WordPress site


Getting Started

To Install a Theme via WordPress Dashboard follow these steps:
  1. Go to your WordPress Admin Panel & Log in (Ex:
  2. Go to Appearance -> Themes -> Add New
  3. From top, Click on Upload Theme
  4. Choose the ZIP file you’ve downloaded & Click Install Now
  5. Click on Activate to active the theme

Step 1: Collect the Pro .zip file & license key

  1. After completing purchase, check your email for & license key
  2. Alternatively, you can Log in into your Silk themes Account & Go to Dashboard
  3. Click on  to see your license key
  4. And Click on Newspaperss PRO to download the file

Caution: Safari automatically unzips the zip file that you download. The Newspaperss folder you downloaded, right click on it and zip it.

  1. Go to Appearance -> Themes -> Add New
  2. From top, Click on Upload Theme
  3. Choose the ZIP file you’ve downloaded & Click Install Now
  4. Click on Activate to active the theme
    1. Go to your website & log in
    2. Go to Appearance -> Newspaperss License
    3. Paste your theme license key into the License Key field
    4. Click on Save Changes
    5. Then Click the “Activate License” button to activate the license.

    Info: Without activating license, you will not receive any updates of Newspaperss PRO

Basic Setup

To add widgets and display slider on your frontpage, Go to Settings > Reading from your WordPress Dashboard and make sure that your “Front Page Displays” option is set to “Your Latest Posts”. 

To change the site layout

  1. Go to Dashboard ->Appearance->Customize->Theme Options-> Appearance -> Site Layout
  2. Select your site layout (Boxed or Full Width) from the Site Layout drop-down
  3. Wait until the page will refresh, you’ll see an instant preview on the right
  4. If you like the changes, click on Save & Publish
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast